
Brothers and Sisters:

Here you can find the resources and communications you may frequently need.

Every member is encouraged to attend our union meetings which are held the 2nd Saturday or 2nd Tuesday of each month (depends on alternating months). The location is 11204 South Western Avenue in Chicago. We hope to educate and inform you so that something catches your eye and propels you to get more involved. Unionism starts within!

Check-in with us often as information will be changing and updated as necessary. be on the lookout for special bulletins, notices and events posted often. This is where you can be assured that the information is valid and not have to rely on rumors.

ATU Local 308 is on the move and the momentum is upward. As we continue our efforts in Springfield and in Washington, lobbying for funding for public transit which benefits us all, we need all of you on board as well.

The following information is for members of ATU Local 308. To get the proper links, please go to Important Documents and download.

You deserve a decent wage, reliable health care and a pension you can live on after your working years end.   Although, unfortunately, there are those want to take all those benefits away from you, ATU Local 308 is determined to stand strong against anti-union elements  and to continue building on our hard-fought gains.   This is a crucial moment in the union movement, where we must stand together and show that we are united.   To that end, Local 308 asks every rail side CTA worker who is not already a member to join with us, and asks that every member who has not already done so, to fill out and sign the recommitment form.  Just go to Important Documents and click the Application for Membership/Recommitment Form and fill it out.  But the fight doesn’t stop there.   Each and every one of us must recommit to our struggle for our rights—this is the moment for everyone to step forward and show the anti-worker forces in our country that they will not win.  All of us need to:

  • Recommit to your Union!
  • Come to the monthly Union meetings, and bring your co-workers with you!
  • Stay informed –Talk to your executive board member on a regular basis.
  • Watch for notices of Local 308 events and be sure to attend them.
  • Don’t let anti-union comments you hear go unanswered—tell everyone you know that you stand with your Union.

Together, we will stand strong and emerge from these trying times stronger than ever!

A grievance is a claim filed by the Union or by a member that CTA violated the collective bargaining agreement, either by disciplining an employee unfairly and/or unjustly or by not following the collective bargaining agreement regarding wages, hours, or working conditions.    All ATU Local 308 bargaining unit members have the right to file a grievance to object to CTA’s violation of the collective bargaining agreement.  If you want to file a grievance, go to the Important Documents section of this website, download the Grievance Blank form, fill it out, and return it to the Local 308 office to be filed.   Remember: grievances must be filed with CTA within 30 days of the occurrence that you are grieving.  

A complaint is an issue that does not involve a claim that CTA violated the collective bargaining agreement.   If you wish to submit a complaint to CTA, please go to the Important Documents section of this website, download the Complaint form, fill it out, and return it to the Local 308 office to be submitted to management.

The ATU has a long history of active involvement in our local communities, states, provinces, and our national governments. From the very beginning our leaders stressed that we could not rely on organizing alone to improve our members’ lives when all that we had worked for could be undone with the stroke of a pen. That’s why our ATU members will continually be found working to pass legislation, and pounding the pavement for political candidates in order to improve their lives and promote the wellbeing of their nations. Below, you will find several ways you can get involved:

Support Your Future – Members help the ATU take effective action to protect our jobs and our families.